Launceston Birth Centre

A local birth house in Launceston that offers home birth, birth at the centre and hospital support birth (if needed) with our private midwives.

The Launceston Birth Centre is a not-for-profit birthing house, run by a local consumer committee (of volunteers) working with a team of private midwives. We offer the option to birth at home with the support of two independent private midwives, birth at the centre or support for a hospital birth (if needed).
The Birth Centre is supplying a “home away from home” for birthing mothers/families who are choosing the option to birth with a private midwife. The Birth Centre was started in 1983 as an Australian first and is servicing more than 30-40 families a year.
The Birth Centre is a large house with two birthing suites; each room is designed to be completely separate from the other. It is designed so that women can stay for a full 24 hours after giving birth and still be in the “comforts” of home. Private midwives work with the mothers and families, visiting with them in their own home for weeks before and after the birth.
